I was on the court with my tennis coach, Jeanne Glevenyak, a couple of months ago when she said she was going to recommend my new thriller, Fool Her Once, to her book club.

Regular readers of this blog may remember that Jeanne coached me to an amazing singles win a few seasons ago!
That was back when FHO was out on submission from my then-agent to editors and publishers.
I considered Jeanne an important part of my publication journey –keeping me sane and calm, focusing on tennis while waiting for publisher responses. So, when FHO was finally released in hardcover, I naturally gifted her a signed copy. And, when her book club agreed to read it, she asked: “Would you come to our book club discussion?”
“Of course,” I replied.”I’d love to.”
“I’ll arrange for the meeting to be somewhere local,” she added. Continue reading “How To Host A Perfect Book Club Meeting When The Author Is A Guest”