Negative reviews can be devastating. “I know people who have never recovered,” says actor/director Seth Rogen of Green Hornet fame speaking recently about movie reviews. There are probably many authors who know exactly what he means. Well, here’s how to recover from your negative book reviews — maybe, even enjoy them.
Don’t Look For 5-Stars All The Time
Here’s the thing. As authors we all look for the five-star reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, and on any book blog tours for which we’re signed up. The closer we get to launch date, the more nervous we get about reviews and ratings on the Advance Review Copies which have been sent out by the author or publisher. But you’ve got know that not all your reviews are going to be 5-star reviews.

Why? Because some readers just aren’t going to be into your novel. Ask any bestselling or award-winning author who’s received rave reviews from all the industry trade publications. They’ll tell you they get their fair share of 1-star and 2-star reviews on Goodreads or Amazon. Not every reader is going to absolutely, totally, love your book. And, even if they are, their 3-star rating may mean the same as another reader’s 5-star rating.
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