I Won! It Won’t Happen Again

The Washington Nationals — and I — had a good week last week. We both won in sports events that were “mind-bending, odds-shattering, pundit-shaming and impossibly thrilling.”

So, okay, the quote above comes from The Washington Post and describes the Nationals’ triumph over the Houston Astros in the World Series final last Wednesday. But it could just as easily describe my own win in the third match of a new singles tennis season.

As faithful readers of this blog may have read a couple of weeks ago, I decided to prove I’m totally insane by signing up (again) for a singles tennis tournament. (Last season, I lost every match. This season, I lost my first two matches.)

This time, I signed up because I’m treading water while waiting for my literary agent to spring my revised, edited, re-revised, and re-titled novel on publishers all over North America. Continue reading “I Won! It Won’t Happen Again”

My Evening With Vogue Editor, Anna Wintour: A Review



I’m always aware of that old saying about idle minds becoming the devil’s playthings. So naturally, once I sent my revised manuscript out of the house and on its way into my agent’s inbox, I looked around for something worthwhile to do. Continue reading “My Evening With Vogue Editor, Anna Wintour: A Review”