Literary gossip has it that William Faulkner chopped off the bottom of his study door and had all his meals passed to him under the door when he was writing; poet and playwright, Edna Vincent Millay wrote in a cottage on her property, and hung a white flag out of the window to get her husband’s attention whenever she needed something. Continue reading “How To Stick To A Writing Routine When You’re NOT A Famous Author”
Tag: Robert Olen Butler
Do Writing Workshops Really Work?

It’s Squib Saturday, and it’s also about a month since I returned from the Algonkian Author-Mentor Novel Workshop in St. Augustine, Florida. I was horrified to realize that in the last month I have not written a single word for my new thriller. Which brought me to the $64,000 question: Do writing workshops really work? Continue reading “Do Writing Workshops Really Work?”