My hometown newspaper, the Southampton Press, said this in its review of my latest thriller, Fool Her Once: “…What also recommends it is its setting, the North Fork… It’s obvious the author knows the area well, and loves it.” Continue reading “Fall On The North Fork : #Love Where I Write”
Tag: North Fork
Telling A Story In Pictures : Part Two of Fool Her Once
This week, I’m using more of my research photos as backdrops for short excerpts from my thriller, Fool Her Once. Last week, I chose five of the hundreds of photos I took in New York City and on the North Fork to illustrate the first chapters of the book. The photos below capture some scenes from Part Two. Continue reading “Telling A Story In Pictures : Part Two of Fool Her Once”
Photo Excerpts From Part One of Fool Her Once
I have hundreds of photos from my research of locations for my newly-released thriller, Fool Her Once. Looking through them recently, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to match some of the photos with short excerpts from the book -along with snippets from my better reviews. Continue reading “Photo Excerpts From Part One of Fool Her Once”
Memories of A Sunnier Fall On The North Fork
There were snow flurries at the weekend on the East End of Long Island. So, a good time, I think, to recall some of the sunnier Fall days on the North Fork, the main setting for my new thriller, Fool Her Once.
That’s when North Fork farm stands were ablaze with the color of ‘mums and pumpkins. Continue reading “Memories of A Sunnier Fall On The North Fork”
Robins Island –A Key Location in my Thriller– Becomes a Real-Life Crime Scene
In my new thriller, Fool Her Once, Robins Island is a key location. The tear-shaped blob in the middle of Peconic Bay between the North and South Forks of Long Island becomes a crime scene about half-way through my novel. It’s where a body washes up on the rocks on the west side of the island.
It is also the location for the climax of my thriller in which my female protagonist, Jenna Sinclair, an investigative reporter, confronts the real antagonist of the story.

Imagine my surprise, then, when just this week Robins Island became a real-life crime scene with police descending on it in full force. Only a handful of local newspapers covered the story about poachers with allegedly criminal intentions sneaking onto the private island . Continue reading “Robins Island –A Key Location in my Thriller– Becomes a Real-Life Crime Scene”