News Squib#13 – My Run-In With Big Oil

It’s Squib Saturday. Time to share the best, most interesting (or most entertaining, or most outrageous) tidbit of information I’ve gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or done– this week. TodayDuking It Out With the Biggest Heating Oil Company on Long Island 

Every so often I have to get “into the ring” with the company that has been supplying my heating oil for the last eight years.  It goes like this: The company delivers my heating oil on automatic delivery. The driver of the truck leaves a printed receipt on my front door knob. I immediately look at the price charged per gallon;

I log onto ( the New York State agency that provides energy information including the month-by-month average price of heating oil throughout the state.)  I then compare the average price on Long Island with the price the heating oil company has charged me. I fall off my chair. I pick myself up.  I call customer service. Continue reading “News Squib#13 – My Run-In With Big Oil”