While I was enjoying my Mother’s Day in New York this weekend, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, aka Meatball Ron, was in Iowa, delivering a deadly message to moms.

WTF Ron DeSantis?
Sioux Center, Iowa. That’s where DeSantis was, — 1,320 miles from his own state —at a picnic, gathering endorsements for his presidential run. That’s still to be formally announced, by the way, even though Ron is clearly bringing his “Make-America-Florida” mantra to pivotal election states like Iowa, even as we speak.
How? By patting himself on the back for ramming the toughest abortion ban ever into law, and loosening gun control laws in Florida to allow concealed-carry of firearms without a permit. Both laws are guaranteed to bring tragedy, grief and death to mothers in his “sunshine” state.
Turning Back The Clock
Over the last few weeks, anyone who’s been paying attention has heard mothers testifying before Congress as to how a 6-week abortion ban brought them to the brink of death. They told how they had to wait —and wait— and wait while miscarrying unviable fetuses and developing body-ravaging sepsis before a doctor could or would help them.
They described a barbaric state of affairs more reminiscent of medieval times, but accomplished in the 21st century by Republican (mostly) male lawmakers and governors like DeSantis.
If not stopped, these misogynistic, wannabe autocrats will turn the clock back, maybe not to medieval times, but almost certainly to the days of the Wild West. DeSantis, for example, made it clear to his Republican supermajority in the Florida legislature that he would sign off on a bill allowing open carry of firearms without a permit — just like Texas has.
But, as obsequious as those Florida republican lawmakers are, even they balked at the thought of swaggering jerk-offs displaying Glocks and revolvers in their waistbands, terrorizing women and children in malls and on public streets.
Constitutional Carry Of Weapons in Florida
As it is, Floridians can now carry a firearm concealed on their person or in their car without a permit, and without having had a background check or safety instruction in the use of their weapon. In states like Texas, mass shootings (defined where four or more people are fatalities) are pretty much the order of the day.
In fact, by the time DeSantis signed his permitless concealed-carry into law, there had already been 199 mass shootings in the U.S. since the beginning of the year. Just the week before, mass shootings had claimed the lives of eight people including two children in a shopping mall in Allen, Texas, and five people including three children who were blasted to death in Cleveland, Texas.
Florida Mass Shootings
Florida, of course, has had its own mass shootings in numbers which have, by far, surpassed those mentioned above. In February, 2018, a shooting by a teenager with an AR-15 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland resulted in the deaths of 17 students and teachers, and injured 17 others. In June 2016, a mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando led to the deaths of 49 clubgoers and wounded 53 more.
Still and all, that doesn’t sway Ron DeSantis. He glosses over the tears and grief of the mothers and fathers whose children died in the mass shootings. In fact, in his book, he says that he would have vetoed the bill signed by his predecessor Rick Scott, right after the Parkland shooting. That bill raised the minimum age for purchasing firearms from 18 to 21.
Does Ron DeSantis Even Care? You Judge
Listen to him, in his own words: Below, I’ve reprinted what DeSantis — incredibly– wrote in Chapter 8 of his book, The Courage to Be Free, about the aftermath of the Parkland High School mass shooting:
“The Florida Legislature responded to the tragedy by enacting a series of firearms restrictions, which my predecessor signed into law. I campaigned saying that I would have vetoed those restrictions on Second Amendment and constitutional due process grounds.
“This was a tough position to take, as it was a very emotional time, and there was a natural human desire to “do something.” But when it comes to fundamental rights, those times are the times when defending them is so essential.”
Yes. You heard that right. Natural human desire to do something, be damned. DeSantis wouldn’t have done anything to tighten gun laws if he had been governor because his view is that a 19-year old has a fundamental right to buy and tote an assault rifle through the streets of Florida. And, if he brings that AR-15 into a schoolyard, well that’s someone else’s fault.
Ponder on that, people. In the face of a massacre of school kids, DeSantis was not going to revisit his thinking because, hey, the rights of a gun-toting teenager are sacrosanct. That’s not courage, in my opinion. That’s an inability to respond to a crisis that’s laying death at your doorstep. That’s intransigent ignorance.
All I can say right now is that I’m happy I’m not a Floridian. And as for that DeSantis “make-America-Florida” slogan?
Thank you, but no. NO. NO. NEVER. EVER.
Very well written Joanna! I can’t believe this is actually happening to women. It’s so unjust that their choices are subjected to so much government interference. To know that their lives are being endangered because of barbaric laws is sickening. And don’t even get me started on the lack of reasonable gun control. Scary times we live in. 🙁
I never thought I would see this happen in America, Eldon. I thought we were past all the misogyny and bigotry because most people in this country are reasonable and fair-minded. I think we will prevail. Just tonight, they elected a Democrat mayor in Jacksonville, Florida where a Republican mayor has been elected for the last 50 years. The Republican had the endorsement of Meatball Ron. I think Florida is already beginning to turn against him.
Governor Ron DeSantis,
Graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School with honors. DeSantis joined the US Navy in 2004 and
Was promoted to lieutenant before serving as a legal advisor JAG to Seal
Team One. Deployed to Iraq in 2007, received Iraq Campaign medal, and the
Bronze Star medal as well.
After active-duty, Ron served as a Federal
Prosecutor, targeting and convicting child predators.
2012 elected to congress and continues to
Be well respected and admired by both
Democrats and Republicans.
Serving as Governor of Florida and will be
The next President of The United States.
If my Country is lucky enough to win Ron.
How is your Country doing?
Sandra l. Stotsky voting for the remarkable Ron DeSantis 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
My country is doing great Sandra, thank you for asking. It’s not perfect, but then no place is, right? At least here women can still make health decisions for themselves without outside interference. At least here, the rights of LGBTQ people are respected. You know, as opposed to having a governor who openly attacks them for being who they are. I noticed in your defense of Ron you didn’t mention any of his divisive policies that cater only to the far right.
So well put, Eldon. The politics of exclusion and vindictiveness will doom Florida. Maybe, the American electorate will get to see that before 2024.
Women making their own health decisions? You must be talking about
Abortions?As in killing their babies?
Obviously you do not have any respect
For human beings.
Try concentrating on how to improve
The politics in your country.
Governor Ron DeSantis is more intelligent and better human being
Than you will ever be.
Sandra Stotsky
Conversation over.
Did you bother to read Joanna’s blog at all, or are you just here to espouse your support for your chosen savior? Joanna wrote about women waiting “while miscarrying unviable fetuses and developing body-ravaging sepsis before a doctor could or would help them.” Tell me, what about that upholds the sanctity of life?
But you have managed to illustrate the underlying problem quite well. It used to be that people could disagree with each other but still respect opposing opinions. Any more it seems an increasing number of people are unable to have discussions without lashing out at anyone who doesn’t see things their way. Society is inching toward a cliff where the mentality of if you aren’t with me, then you’re my enemy prevails. And that is sad.
At any rate, as you said, discussion is over. I don’t agree with your point of view, but I can still respect your right to hold it. I wish you well.
Sandra, you are entitled to an opinion and, as much as I disagree with it, I would never censor your comment here. After all, freedom of speech is our constitutional right, and what we’re all about in this country — unless of course you are DeSantis who punishes anyone who doesn’t agree with his ultra-right wing views and policies.
As Eldon (above) so aptly puts it the very dry, bare-facts resume which you’re reproduced here about your “Chosen One” glosses over his totalitarian ambitions. Voters in Florida are waking up, I think, to the horror show they elected — as you can see with last week’s election of a Democrat mayor in Jacksonville, a city which for the past 50 (yes, fifty!!) years has been run by a Republican.
Here’s hoping you’re right Joanna!! America has always stood for the land of the free. It’s what makes the country great. But you can’t be a free country and subscribe to totalitarian doctrines. I hope enough of the populace realizes that before it’s too late.