Of the following, please check which one applies to you: a) I want to write a page-turner that will keep my readers up all night; b) I want to read the hottest “serial-killer” thriller of the Summer; c) Both of the above. Whichever option you chose, The Fourth Monkey by J.D.Barker is a MUST read for you. Continue reading “Writing The Ultimate Page -Turning Thriller”
Articles, Notes & Squibs
Happy Birthday, America
It’s Squib Saturday. Time to share the most interesting, most outrageous, or most entertaining tidbits of information gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or seen — or done. This week: A Love Letter to My Adopted Country
On August 31, I will celebrate another anniversary as an American citizen — my 16th. A year ago, I wrote about the anniversary in joyous terms. The last year has severely tested my profound love for this country. Continue reading “Happy Birthday, America”
Guns & Baseball — and Clean Ovens
It’s Squib Saturday, and it’s been a while since I’ve shared the most interesting, most outrageous, or most entertaining tidbits of information gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or seen — or done. So, this week: A round-up of those tidbits from the last couple of weeks. Continue reading “Guns & Baseball — and Clean Ovens”
Writers Boot Camp: Was It Worth It?
I’m going Behind the Scenes again with Part Two of my report on the Writers Boot Camp for which I signed up as part of my “epic” effort to produce a third thriller. Last week I explained Why I Signed Up. Today: I Look at Whether I Benefitted from the Exercise? Continue reading “Writers Boot Camp: Was It Worth It?”
Writers Boot Camp: Why I Signed Up
Today I’m going Behind the Scenes which is my website page where I write about the progress of my third novel. This week I take a look at a Writers Boot Camp for which I signed up a couple of weeks ago. The title of the Boot Camp was Agent One-on-One : The First Ten Pages. Continue reading “Writers Boot Camp: Why I Signed Up”