Articles, Notes & Squibs

Writing The Ultimate Page -Turning Thriller

 Of the following, please check which one applies to you: a) I want to write  a page-turner that will keep my readers up all night; b) I want to read the hottest “serial-killer” thriller of the Summer;  c) Both of the above.  Whichever option you chose, The Fourth Monkey by J.D.Barker is a MUST read for you. Continue reading “Writing The Ultimate Page -Turning Thriller”

Happy Birthday, America

It’s Squib Saturday. Time to share the most interesting, most outrageous, or most entertaining tidbits of information gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or seen — or done.  This week: A Love Letter to My Adopted Country

On August 31, I will celebrate another anniversary as an American citizen — my 16th. A year ago, I wrote about the anniversary in joyous terms. The last year has severely tested my profound love for this country. Continue reading “Happy Birthday, America”

Guns & Baseball — and Clean Ovens

It’s Squib Saturday, and it’s been a while since I’ve shared the most interesting, most outrageous, or most entertaining tidbits of information gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or seen — or done.  So, this week: A round-up of those tidbits from the last couple of weeks.  Continue reading “Guns & Baseball — and Clean Ovens”

Writers Boot Camp: Was It Worth It?

I’m going Behind the Scenes again with Part Two of my report on the Writers Boot Camp for which I signed up as part of my “epic” effort to produce a third thriller. Last week I explained Why I Signed Up.  Today: I Look at Whether I Benefitted from the Exercise? Continue reading “Writers Boot Camp: Was It Worth It?”

Writers Boot Camp: Why I Signed Up

Today I’m going Behind the Scenes which is my website page where I write about the progress of my third novel. This week I take a look at a Writers Boot Camp for which I signed up a couple of weeks ago. The title of the Boot Camp was Agent One-on-One : The First Ten Pages. Continue reading “Writers Boot Camp: Why I Signed Up”