I have hundreds of photos from my research of locations for my newly-released thriller, Fool Her Once. Looking through them recently, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to match some of the photos with short excerpts from the book -along with snippets from my better reviews.
If you know absolutely nothing about FHO, it’s a psychological thriller about Jenna, a former tabloid reporter who outed Denny Dennison, the illegitimate son of a depraved serial killer. Her scoop had tragic consequences. So, she ran and hid behind marriage and motherhood.
In chapter 2, Jenna is meeting with her former boss and lover, Ryan, at Neary’s, an iconic Manhattan restaurant. She is hoping to resurrect her reporting career after her marriage to Zack, starts going awry.
Most of the first part of FHO is set in New York City where Jenna once had a promising career as a tabloid reporter. Her apartment building lies in the shadow of the 59th Street Bridge where she can walk to it from Neary’s. In chapter 3, she has no idea someone is lying in wait for her and Ryan.
After Ryan is left for dead outside her building, she suspects that Denny still wants revenge — and that he is coming after her and her loved ones.

She fears Denny has turned into a psychopath like his father. She decides to track him down before he can hurt her teenage daughter, Dollie.
Then, she discovers that Denny had started stalking her right after her daughter, Dollie was born in New York City.
To Be Continued…
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