Selling my new thriller, Fool Her Once could well be the death of me over the next six weeks. Okay, so maybe that’s a little melodramatic but not by much. Nowadays, traditionally published authors are expected to do almost as much as self-published authors for the marketing of their books.
Most of that work is done on social media. When my first two thrillers were published there was no internet; no social media. Now, the writing communities on Twitter and Instagram and Tik Tok provide a constant stream of tweets and posts about upcoming publications.
As an author with an upcoming new release, if you’re not online tweeting and instagramming about your own book, then you’re “liking” and retweeting or commenting on the new releases of other authors you follow and admire.
That’s not to diminish all the hard work that Laura Wooffitt, the marketing director of CamCat Books and her assistant, Abigail Miles have put into the selling of Fool Her Once.
For example, thanks to their efforts in getting the book out for endorsements, I got this full, terrific review in Publishers Weekly.
PW already picked Fool Her Once as a “notable” mystery/thriller for Spring 2022. This week, it published a fuller review (see above) which I used to create the tweet below.
Tweets & Instagram
I also used a 5-star review which has already been posted on Goodreads by award-winning author, Susan Ouellette (The Wayward Spy) to create the post below for Instagram.
The Instagram post will link to a Goodreads Giveaway of Fool Her Once. The Giveaway is running from January 15th- February 4. Below is the screenshot of the giveaway as it appears on Goodreads.
Goodreads Giveaway

If you’re not already a member of Goodreads –the biggest book lover’s website in the world with 90 million members– please consider signing up. It costs nothing. Check it out and while you’re there, please sign up for the Fool Her Once Giveaway here.
That also costs nothing. At all. But gives you the chance of winning a free Advance Review Copy before Fool Her Once is released on March 1.
And, if you want to catch up with the reviews and author blurbs for Fool Her Once before you sign up for the Giveaway, you can do so on my Books page on this website — where you can also read an excerpt.
Just SIX weeks to go before launch date! You can pre-order here at CamCat Books or at Amazon, or at any retailer where you usually buy books.
Cannot wait to read it!
Not long now, Nick. Hope you’ve been able to pre-order a copy. And, please, let me know what you think when you’ve read it. I’m very anxious to hear opinions and reviews from my subscribers here.